Everything That Should Be on Your ‘Fall Cleaning’ Checklist
The changing of the seasons is always a good time to clean. While quarterly tidying-up is generally advisable, some tasks are best done at specific times during the year . As fall looms, here are the things you need to clean and organize inside your house. First, declutter your summer essentials As you prepare to put away everything you used in the previous season, you can take stock of what you didn't and toss it or donate it, then get out the new season's items and organize them just right. It doesn't make sense to put away and store things you didn't even use this summer just so you can fail to use them next year, too. There are a lot of decluttering techniques out there and most of them will have you sorting your belongings into four piles: Keep, donate, toss, or sell. I suggest a combination of the Five Second Rule and KonMari : As you pick each item up, give yourself five seconds to make a quick decision about which pile it goes into. Is it really meaningful ...